Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Interesting Angles

When going through life, it is good to have different perspectives on things. If we only consider our own point-of-view, we miss out on the knowledge and experience of so many others. As I live my life, I always try to consider and respect others' view points. Following this trend, this group of pictures looks at life from a slightly different angle.

January 22, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

Happy Birthday Susana! I celebrated Susana's birthday Sunday night at a delicious Italian restaurant. Here is a look at the birthday girl through some Italian wine.

January 21, 2012
Location: Los Angeles, CA

My first time at Staples stadium in Los Angeles. I watched the LA Kings vs Colorado Avalanche and the AVs won! Our seats provided for an amazing view of the game and almost double perspective.

January 21, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

Pool. One of those games I am just not very good at, but makes for a fun photo.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

When looking for art, it is truly in the eye of the beholder. Since giving myself this challenge, I have looked for something artistic in all sorts of places. Often I take lots of photos trying to get a shot that shows beauty. Maybe by the end of this year, I will take less shots or more easily take an artistic shot. For now, here a few pictures where I tried to show beauty out of something common.

January 19, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

One of my friends loves music and is a very talented musician. I love hearing her play as well as looking at the instruments she has sitting around her house. This is a picture of her guitar and cello.

January 18, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

Wednesday I took multiple shots trying to find an artistic one. I spent the day cooking and baking and took a picture of my mess, which I almost posted since it was beauty in the outcome. However, my friend drew this picture of me at our church worship meeting. How could I not post an artistic photo of a beautiful piece of art?

January 17, 2012
Location: My alley, Long Beach, CA

The sad part of Christmas... a tree once covered in lights and ornaments, abandoned by the trash cans. Three weeks ago this tree was in the center of a celebration of family and love. Dressed in the brightest colors, protecting perfectly wrapped presents underneath, a representation of unity that brings so many different parts together into something beautiful. Now it is naked and alone facing an unknown future with only memories to hold onto. Yet, there is still something beautiful about a green tree in a place usually covered with dirt, dust and trash. It made me smile and remember the times I shared with my family and look forward to more to come.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Home for the Weekend

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., I had 2 days off this weekend, which is very unusual since I usually spend holidays working at Sport Chalet. These days off gave me a chance to visit my family including my grandparents and aunt and uncle who were down from Portland, OR.

January 16, 2012
Location: My Family's house, Oceanside, CA

After trying again and again to get a good picture of Sitka and Champ, my family's dogs, I have realized that moving subjects are not the easiest target for taking artistic photos. When Champ was sitting still, Sitka wouldn't come and by the time Sitka came, Champ left. Out of all the pictures, this was the best. Sitka with his new favorite toy, old socks all rolled up.

January 15, 2012
Location: My Grandma's House, Spring Valley, CA

My grandma's orange tree is in full bloom. The oranges are not very sweet yet, but they are so colorful and look like they would be delicious!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Unique Decor

January 14, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

I was at dinner with a friend at a local Italian eatery with delicious pizza. I didn't realize until my friend pointed them out, but all the lampshades were decorated with grapes. Made me wish I could be drinking wine while eating cheese or gelato in Italy while gazing at the beautiful countryside... Anyways, back to reality... I found them very unique, so I had to take a picture. It was really tough taking a picture of a light, so the quality is not that great, but the shot is still kind of fun.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Land Before Time meets the Transformers

January 13, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

This little boy brings both smiles and strains to my face, but I love him nonetheless. I have been working with him for the last 2 years. I introduced him to the Transformer cars earlier this week and then on Friday I suggested he play with the dinosaurs too. He didn't like the dinosaurs at first, but by the end of our playtime, they were all getting along. I believe they were trying to journey to the volcano (currently covered by dinosaurs) before it exploded.

Afternoons with Friends

This week I spent three afternoons with friends doing various things around Long Beach. I tried to take an artistic photo representing something of each.

January 12, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

On Thursday, I had lunch with a friend from church. We enjoyed homemade chicken salad sandwiches and delicious fruit tarts from a local bakery. Even more than the food, I appreciated the chance to talk and relax together.

January 11, 2012
Location: Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum, Long Beach, CA

On Wednesday, I went to PIEAM (Pacific Island Ethnic Art Museum) with another friend from church. Since this museum opened a year ago, I have wanted to see the art and cultures that are represented. Most of the art is from Micronesia, but there was also a small sampling of art from Polynesia and Melanesia. It was a great chance to reminisce on memories from my time in the Pacific Islands and share these stories and knowledge with someone else.

January 10, 2012
Location: Sandwich shop, Long Beach, CA
One of my favorite things about Long Beach is the small community feel in such a large city. On Tuesday, I ate lunch with a friend at a local sandwich shop called On Broadway. It had the small town feel. A few regulars came in and the man at the counter knew exactly what they wanted. This man, who I assume is the owner, knew almost everyone who came in and was very friendly. Their tables were all carved from wood, which was a unique decor in the middle of Long Beach. To add to all this, the sandwiches were good and decently priced. The only downside was that it was small, so there wasn't much privacy or many places to sit.

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Eyes within my Apartment

In challenging myself to this project, I recognize that many days may come to an end and I will realize that I have not yet taken a picture. These two pictures are examples of this. But this also gave me a chance to look at ordinary objects within my apartment and find artistic ways to display them, so that in and of itself is a challenge of its own.

January 8, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

Considering that it was Sunday, I felt it was appropriate to photograph something about my church, Long Beach Friends, since this is where I spend most of my time on Sundays. I attend a church that is mainly Cambodian, but also has a smattering of other cultures. I love the diversity and personalities that the different cultural backgrounds bring.

On Sunday, we read from 1 Chronicles 16:8-11, a song written by David praising the Lord for all the works that he does. Too often in our busy lives we do not take time to reflect on all the ways God has worked and what he is still doing. I appreciate that on Sunday, our pastor took time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next. For me, the past year has had its ups and downs, but God's hand has been with me and guiding me through it all. I am always amazed to look back on the journey and see how God has been directing me all along the way. If I had not overcome the trials and gone certain places, I would not be the woman I am today.

To the Lord, I give thanks. To the Lord, I sing praise. I seek his strength and presence in this new year. Through my life (and this blog), I hope to tell of his wondrous works. (adapted from I Chr. 16:8-11)

January 9, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

If you know anything about me, you know that I love to travel and experience new cultures. In this picture, you see a basket, two fans and two arrows from my time in the Solomon Islands in 2008. The basket and the large fan on the left were given to me as presents from women that I lived with before I returned to the States. The fan on the right was made by yours truly, hence the significant difference in quality. The arrows are still used for hunting with traditional bows. All of these items are handmade from palm fronds. I find the talent, skill and ingenuity that goes into the making of such items, very impressive! In order to take an artistic shot, I rearranged the items in my room, and afterwards, I realized I like this display even more than the original.

Dinner for Two

January 7, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

This picture is a little more unique in nature. After enjoying a delicious Asian seafood buffet, I realized I should have taken a picture of the food. I sampled nearly everything, including my first taste of frog legs, which were good with a consistency somewhere between chicken and fish. I'm sure this will not be the last time I realize once it is too late, I just missed a chance for a great shot, especially when it involves food. But alas, I leave you with a picture of our dirty silverware that we artfully displayed. Unfortunately, the waitress had already taken my chopsticks.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sailing, Sailing over the Deep Blue Sea

January 6, 2012
Location: The Pacific Ocean, off the coast of California somewhere between Huntington Beach and Long Beach

One of the best things about southern California is that one day you can be snowboarding in the mountains and the next day you can be sailing on the ocean. It was a beautiful day in January with just enough wind for my first sail. I didn't do much of the sailing, I was mainly along for the ride. However, I did learn how to let down and pull up a sail and tie line off like this picture shows. With the breeze flowing through my hair, the sun shining on my face, and the waves gently rocking the boat, it was the perfect, relaxing way to end my winter break.

Two More Days in Big Bear

January 4, 2012
Location: Snow Summit, Big Bear, CA

After falling on my camera while snowboarding in December and breaking part of the screen, I have decided not to bring my camera with me again until I get a harder case. This picture was taken on my phone, so I apologize for the lower quality. Although warm, it was a beautiful and fun day snowboarding, culminating with a beautiful sunset on the slopes.

January 5, 2012
Location: Big Bear, CA

Becky and I went on a short hike, lost the trail, and decided to pave our own way. Instead of ending with a beautiful summit view, we had a view blocked by trees. However, I took advantage of the situation and used the trees for a natural frame of the ski hills in the distance. (I love framing pictures with nature, thanks to my mom).

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


January 3, 2012
Location: Big Bear, CA

For the third year in a row, two friends and I traveled up the mountain to a cabin in Big Bear. Despite the distance and time zones between us during the year (West Coast, East Coast, East Africa), we always enjoy stimulating conversation and many laughs. There was very little snow in Big Bear this year. Instead of sledding, we found alternate ways to spend the afternoon. With a little more practice, Becky and I will be ready to join the Elves.

(Yes, I admit, I am a product of my generation. I would rather play Elves and Orcs than Cowboys and Indians)

He Loved, so I can Love

January 2, 2012
Location: Long Beach, CA

(Having a few issues with the quality of this picture when uploading, so I apologize for the lines)

Yes, Christmas has passed, but I love the decorations, the crispness of the air, the songs, the time with family, and the food. Even more, I love that Jesus came to earth. He saved me from hell, but more importantly, gave me a reason to live. His love fills me so I can love, not only at Christmas, but all year around.

Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2012, approx. 12:03am
Location: Huntington Beach, CA

I rang in the New Year with my girls at a club, for the first and probably the last time. It was overcrowded but there were many memories none the less. A little after the stroke of midnight, because of a malfunction, balloons fell from the ceiling, followed by a commotion of popping until they were no more. Welcome to 2012!

My First Blog

As many others have already done, I have made some resolutions for the new year. In the past few years I have made some simple resolutions that I have actually kept.

2010 - Cook/bake one new thing a week. Some weeks I skipped, some weeks I cooked multiple new things, but the overall goal of experimenting and trying new things has been a success and something I still enjoy doing.
2011 - Throw away all my socks and underwear that have holes or are wearing out. For some this might seem odd, but because of a strange family tradition of holey socks, a strong dislike for shopping, and a desire to get the most out of everything, I struggle to throw away these things. Despite the challenge, I succeeded and intend to continue this healthy habit for the years to come.
2012 - Actually do the things I keep saying I am going to do (such as run in the Camp Pendleton mud run, run a half marathon, learn to SCUBA dive, live overseas, explore artistic photography and many others), which leads me to the initial purpose of this blog and my other resolution.

I have wanted to start a blog for awhile, but haven't felt like I have much to say. While traveling this summer, an inspiration came. I will take at least one picture a day and blog about it. The photos can be documentary in nature showing what I am doing, but I want to challenge myself to explore my artistic eye. So thus begins the journey of 2012 through my eyes. From time to time the pictures may be interspersed with updates, rants, or whatever else comes to mind, but the challenge has been set. Let's see how I do.