Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Author

With joy, I sit down and write another name in the Book of Life.  Even before her name was written here, I have been writing her story...

I began writing in her mother's womb.  I wrote pages filled with love and joy at her birth and as she grew.  I wrote as she persisted through academic triumphs and athletic fails.  I wrote as she made new friends - some who would last, some who would leave, some who would draw her to me, and some who would push her further away.  I wrote with joy as she said that simple prayer asking me to be in her life and with even more joy when she finally understood what that meant and began seeking me closely.

The Author Photo 1I wrote with tears when her father died.  I grieved with her as she pushed me away and hardened her heart because of the pain.  Although she tried to hide, I did not leave.  I continued to write.  I wrote with more sadness as her mom fought cancer, but I knew through these trials her family would grow stronger and seek me.  Though she questioned my reasons for this part of the story and was often filled with anger and fear, I stayed by her side and continued to write.

I wrote with deep intimacy and love those moments when she sensed my presence, my leading, and my love.  I wrote with healing as she sought me, faced her grief, and pressed on even when it was hard.

I wrote with excitement when she went to college with a heart to serve me no matter what and no matter where.  This openness allowed me to write new opportunities, new relationships, more healing, and more growth.  As she sought me, I continued to guide.  I continued to write as she went to grad school, pursued her dreams and followed me overseas.

After graduation, I did not write what she wanted, but I wrote what she needed.  I allowed her to seek love and experience pain.  Although she tried to ignore me at times, I continued to write.  I grieved with her when she lost part of herself, but my love never stopped.  Even when her choices made me sad, I did not stop loving her nor leave her side, because that is what love is - walking with someone through the joys and the pains.  In the depths of these pains, she cried out to me and I continued to write.  

I wrote in years of healing, of learning to serve faithfully in the everyday, of teaching her how to trust again.  I gave her a community where she experienced the love of my family.  Although she sometimes wondered why this waiting was a part of her story, I continued to write, because I saw the bigger picture.  

I wrote with anticipation and happiness as she fell in love with someone that encouraged her to follow me.  I wrote with joy as they were wed and experienced true, fulfilling love. Now I am writing their story together, but I am also continuing to write hers.  

I wrote with patience as I asked her to step out of her comfort zone, leave her community, and seek me in an environment she never imagined.  I continue to write step by step, day by day as she seeks to follow me.  I know there are questions.  I know there are doubts, but I am still writing.

I know she wants to know what the next chapter holds, but she will know in time.  Just as she didn't understand why she her story was filled with pain and or why she was stuck in one location as she longed to be in another, I knew.  I was writing.  And with time those parts of her story become more clear.  In just the same way, I will make the present uncertainties clear in time.  

Although I am still writing, I know each chapter that lies ahead.  There will be joys and sorrows, but through them all, I will never leave her side.  Even if she pushes me away again, I will continue to write.  

This is how I write everyone's story.  Whether or not someone's name is written in the Book of Life, I know and I am writing their story.  I long for everyone's name to be written there, but I also give freedom to choose.  But once they choose me, I will never leave their side.  The exciting thing is that those who choose to walk with me in life know the end of the story.  There is no fear in death, because when their days on earth come to an end, they will join me in everlasting life.

And so it is with her.  As I continue to write her story, she may not know what the next chapter brings, but she knows what the final pages will read: "Well done, my good and faithful servant." With this she can walk forward with confidence and faith, persevering as I walk by her side and continue to write.  


The Author Photo 2
This is a short story inspired by Hebrews 12:3.  It was given to me in July 2015 after a time of meditation and prayer.  I was asking God why I am in grad school instead of overseas or in ministry. God did not give me the specific answer, but he gave me this promise that he is the author and perfecter of my story.  He knows what lies ahead and even though I don't know and often have many questions, I can walk forward with confidence.  I know he is by my side and has brought me where I am.  For now, this is where he want me to be - seeking him, as he continues to write.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My New Mt. Sinai

I think I found my new Mt. Sinai...

Kate O. Sessions Park

Today I took a much needed spiritual retreat.  Doing a PhD program in the quarter system gives me little time for personal reflection, meditation or retreat.  But today I finally made time and it was refreshing to my soul.

One of the reasons I haven't retreated is that I am still figuring out San Diego.  I knew Long Beach.  I had my favorite places to run, to walk, to pray and to read.  But in San Diego I have spent most of my time on campus or in my apartment.  I have wandered to the beach, but beyond that I have not explored much.  I knew today I needed something in nature where I would have space to read, to sing, to pray, to cry... whatever happened, but be away from people.  I found that today at Kate O. Sessions Park.  Yes, I am revealing the location of my Mt. Sinai, but for anyone in San Diego looking for a place to reflect, meditate or read, this is perfect and I want to share.  This park is on a hill overlooking San Diego Bay.  There is green grass, trees, running trails, children playing, dogs running, a gentle breeze, and a beautiful view.  I don't mean for this to be a Yelp review, but I wanted to share the beauty of getting away, appreciating nature, and refreshing the heart.

On My New Mt. Sinai
In the distance a vast ocean,
In the foreground green grass, 
All around me a breeze 
And refreshment that lasts.
Birds whistling tunes as
Children and dogs play.
My heart's filled with beauty
What a glorious day. 

Today I was reminded of the importance of retreating for a few hours.  Going some place where you are not known and can be alone with your thoughts.  In the silence, in the beauty, that is when your heart can be free.  For me this was a spiritual retreat filled with meditation, prayer, Bible reading and journaling.  For others it might be reading, walking or napping.  It is so important for emotional and spiritual health to take time to retreat and listen to God and explore what is going on in your heart.

God doesn't always speak right away.  It took me a bit to get focused today.  I didn't know what to read, but I was longing to hear God and bask in his presence.  I settled on Hebrews chapters 10-12.  I read it all, but focused on 10:22-25, 35-36, 11:1, and 12:1-3.  I used a personal retreat guide developed by my Pastor, which you can find on his blog. Through this, God spoke.  He reminded me of the importance of drawing close to him, being vulnerable with others, being confident in my faith and persevering.

The result?  I have an abundance of words and thoughts bubbling over and dying to be expressed.  I have a heart and soul who feel refreshed.  I still have questions about what is ahead, but I have peace that God is writing my story and will never leave my side (that post coming soon!).  I don't know if all these thoughts will make it into a blog post, but no matter, I have a new sense of joy and purpose.

I know we don't need a Mt. Sinai to encounter God, but for me, because I am setting aside time from the everyday and going some place out of the norm, God meets me here.  He also meets me in the everyday, but often on my Mt. Sinai the connection is deeper, the results are more fulfilling, and the joy bubbles over.