Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Year's Resolutions are NOT my Thing!

It's the end of January 2014 and I did not make a New Year's Resolution and I'm okay with that. Yes, in my ideal world, I still would love to continue a photographic blog sharing my life through images, and maybe someday (or some days) I will, but it is not a Resolution.  I have not succeeded in this resolution for the past two years, so it is time for something new. I am tired of making resolutions I cannot keep, but I am still open to some goals.  So for all it's worth here are some goals for 2014. 

1. Love my Husband - learn what it means to be a wife and truly and deeply love my husband and learn to accept his love in return.  In doing this, we will lay a solid foundation for our marriage.

2. Write more - Whether blogs, private journals, poetry, or academic articles, I want to challenge myself to reflect on things around me.

3. Love those around me - I want my family and friends to know I value them and our relationships.  I want to be intentional about loving them.

4.  Enjoy life - Yes, this is ambiguous, but I want to have fun, try new things, explore and just enjoy whatever comes my way.

5. Grow as a child of God - I want to grow closer to my Savior and be able to accept and share his love in new ways.

So for now, those are my goals.  I'm open to more (and do have a few in mind), but these are goals that inspire me and I know I can succeed in and grow through the process.  Who knows, maybe I will share the process this year in the blog!  We will see!