Friday, February 28, 2014

I Love The Rain

I love the rain. 

The pitter patter falling all around outside. The much needed drink it brings to our dried out earth. The splish splash as you step in puddles and the spray as you drive through them. The droplets making their daring journey down your window, never sure where they will end up.  

And I love the way everything looks after the rain. The clear blue skies, the mountains in the distance, and the occasional rainbow to bring a smile to your face. 

I love the rain.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Cup of Tea

Snow falling all around as
Wind whips through the trees. 
Sun shining through the window
Warming me as I sip a cup of tea. 
I ponder life, I ponder the future,
I sit amazed at nature's beauty. 
Snow capped mountains, Dormant trees
Contrasting blues, greens and white. 
Peacefulness on a busy street. 
Gentle music, serene views, 
A book and delicious tea. 
An afternoon waning away 
With beauty and simplicity. 

On this lazy afternoon in Colorado Springs, I sit in an Orthodox Greek bookstore and coffee shop. The serenity of the views and environment bring a deep sense of peace and rest. My anxious heart wants to worry because of future uncertainty, but my mind wants to escape. I disappear into a book, sip my tea, and surrender to God. Although there are disappointments and unknowns ahead, I trust he has a plan. I trust he knows the future and what is best for me.  I trust he is leading me and my husband. Although tears may come, right now I must enjoy his moment. I must rest in God and the beauty of creation. I must enjoy my cup of tea.