Monday, January 5, 2015

The Start of a New Year and a New Quarter...

Today is the first day back to school after my winter break. Is it a bad sign that all I want to do is curl up in my bed and pretend it is not here? I loved being on break, sleeping in and feeling like there was nothing I had to do... I loved being with family, having extra time with my husband, enjoying nature. But alas, reality comes. So now I must pull myself out of bed and begin a new quarter and face the new year. How will I face the new year?

With joy. For all the blessings in my life: a warm bed, a roof over my head, a full belly, a healthy body, a loving husband, a caring family, dear friends, and a chance to further my education and pursue my dreams.

With courage. As I begin a new teaching position, take challenging classes, and move forward even with uncertainty. 

With strength. To get out of bed every morning, to take care of myself, to overcome challenges, to not give up. 

With love. Knowing I am loved by my Savior, loved by my husband, loved by family and friends and receiving all that love. Showing love in new ways to my husband and letting it shine out in all my interactions with colleagues, students and friends. 

So on the first day of the new quarter, I choose to be joyful, to get out of bed, to approach the day with a smile, to meet others with love and to not give up. The quarter might appear overwhelming, but I will not let it pull me down. I will overcome with the strength given to me by my Lord and whatever comes, I will not let my joy fade.