Thursday, July 11, 2013

March 2013 Highlights

My highlights from the month of March. It was a busy month!

Irvine, CA
A good family friend since 6th grade got married!  I loved her decorations and Princess Bride quotes!

Big Bear, CA
Snowboarding with my brother Micah for his birthday.

Signal Hill, CA
I love running up Signal Hill on a rare clear day in LA county. You can see downtown LA in the distance. 

Wrightwood, CA
Heading to the snow for skiing with Mike. 

Signal Hill, CA
A foggy morning run on Signal Hill. The electric pole in the distance reminds me of the cross and the early morning resurrection that followed 3 days later. 

Westminster, CA
Bridesmaid dress shopping with my sisters. We found one!!!

Beautiful CA sunsets. 

Point Loma, CA
Brought wild flowers to my dad on Easter. He used to always pick wildflowers while running and bring them home. So it seemed appropriate. It was the first time Mike had been to see his grave. 

Too ambitious goal...

My goal of a picture a day was far too ambitious with all the craziness of getting married! So I have decided to post some highlights from each month and see if I can become more regular at posting again. We'll see what happens!!